This article in The Guardian, highlights the failings of private healthcare which we never hear about. The authors Colin Key and Stewart Players in their book 'The Plot Against the NHS' express what we have felt -that every day something wrong in the NHS is highlighted by the Tories.In the article they quote one private hospital where there were not enough nurses,samples were incorrectly labelled and out of date blood was used in a transfusion.Thought our members might like to see this.
Dear Editor
Messers Olsson and Hammond are quite right to point out how remote the Government is from ordinary people's problems. The Tory-led coalition boasts about the economic recovery and how many jobs have been created but completely fails to acknowledge how hard life is for most people. Inflation is up but pay rates are static. Insecure zero hours contracts are more and more common. Unemployment, especially for young people, is high; who can blame them for moving away from the South West for more opportunities? Money is tight but the Government is throwing away cash on ridiculous schemes. The marriage tax allowance will cost £600 million but will hardly benefit those who get it (about £4 per week) and discriminates against everyone who isn't married. The Help to Buy scheme subsidises mortgages up to £600,000, driving up house prices even more – wouldn't it be better just to allow councils to build more social housing? This week two events show how inept and out-of-touch the government is. First the Royal Mail, a successful and profitable company, is sold off on the cheap. A few hours later, the energy company SSE inceases its prices by 8%. No doubt the other energy companies will join in on the eye-watering round of price hikes. Where will this all end? We can't keep paying an extra 8% per year when our pay is going up by 1%. This is especially galling when you remember that the energy companies make large profits, are mainly foreign owned and pay almost no corporation tax. Labour are determined to do something about the cost of living crisis, and energy prices in particular, but the governing parties, the Lib Dems and Conservatives, have completely lost sight of how most of us live. Regards, Pam and Toby Ebert |
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December 2016
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