Welcome to North Devon Constituency Labour Party! We couldn't be happier that you've decided to join the party and we look forward to welcoming you into our vibrant Labour community. We hope this page will provide you with some useful information about the Party and how you can get involved. We are an extremely active CLP (see the jargon buster!) and really hope you will join us in our campaiging activity. We'd love to know a bit about you, your reasons for joining the party and what we can do to provide you with the best membership experience possible, so if you can spare a couple of minutes we'd really appreciate you filling out the short questionaire below. It's great to have you and we look forward to meeting you soon!
Welcome to North Devon CLP |
Tell us about yourself!If you can spare a moment, we'd love to know a bit more about you. Let us know what made you join the Labour Party, what kind of campaigning and party activity you might be interested taking part in, and how we can best serve your needs as a member.
First steps...
Joining the Labour Party is incredibly exciting. You're joining a community of hundreds of thousands of like-minded activists determined to bring about real political change. Here's a few things you can do straight away to get off to a flying start:
- Sign up to MY LABOUR - it's your online account with the Labour Party and gives you access to your membership information, news briefings, events near you and more.
- Join the North Devon CLP Members' Forum on Facebook. This is a great place to say hello, find out what other members are up to, ask for advice or share campaign ideas.
- Come along to one of our social events or CLP meetings - keep an eye out for regular emails from our Secretary Nick Agnew with details of upcoming meetings and events. Our meetings are always friendly and new members always recieve a very warm welcome!
- Read through the National Party's information for new members here
- Follow our social media channels!
About North Devon CLPAs a member of the Labour Party living in the constituency of North Devon, you are a member of North Devon CLP. CLP stands for Constituency Labour Party and it is with your CLP that you will attend meetings and do the majority of your local campaigning. North Devon CLP meet regulary for a number of different types of meetings, campaign activity and social events which are summarised below. The CLP elects officers to it's Executive Committee who each cover a different role in the management of the CLP.
If you have any questions or concerns or just want to say hello, you can contact our CLP Secretary, Nick Agnew, via [email protected] |
Our meetings...
We hold a wide range of meetings and social events in North Devon, but here is a summary of some of the regular events you will want to get involved with...
CLP Meetings: These are held aproximately every 6 weeks. These are more formal meetings where the CLP takes collective decisions such as selecting delegates to attend Annual Conference. These meetings will also include the opportunity for discussion, debate and training.
Campaign Forums: These meetings look at campaign strategy and planning. They cover all aspects of campaign management from data collection to canvassing, social media to content creation. Informal meetings: These meetings are scheduled for members to get together and discuss a specific topic in an informal environment. Examples include the Labour Leadership Election and Labour's National Policy Forum. |
North Devon Labour Social: Held every fortnight, an opportunity to get together with no agenda other than enjoying each other's company!
Coffee Morning: Our fortnightly coffee morning is a relaxed place to chat over recent events and socialise with other members Fundraising events: Regular events organised throughout the year include the Big Red Quiz, the Green Man Festival, music events and film nights Summer and Christmas Parties: Fantastic events where large numbers of members get together to celebrate the achievments of the CLP Left Book Club: A regular book club for members to discuss a wide range of topics based on reading selections every 6 weeks or so. |
Details of all upcoming meetings and events are sent out to all members in regular emails. You can also find details of any relevant scheduled events on the Members' Page of this website, as well us on the North Devon CLP Members' Forum
Resources for new members
Labour Achieve
Labour's training resource. There are a number of bite sized units specifically for new members, including Labour's Legacy and how to make the most of your membership. Make sure you're signed up to My Labour to be able to access the material |
Labour regularly hosts webinars to offer training and resources to it's members. Click the button to view webinars for new members. Make sure you're signed up to My Labour to be able to access the material |