North Devon CLP Jobs Board
We are a thriving and ambitious CLP! We do not have any paid members of staff and rely on volunteers to help us with our party activity. We know that we have an incredibly generous membership with a wide range of skills. Below are a list of areas that we are looking for some additional help. If you feel able to contribute in any way, please do fill out the appropriate contact form and we will get in touch with you to give you some more details. This list is certainly not exhaustive, and if you would like to get more involved in any area of our CLP's activity, please don't hesitate to bring it up at a meeting or contact Nick our secretary via [email protected]
Entering the marked register from the 2019 general election
The Marked Register is a record of every single person who voted, either in person, by post or by proxy, and is a vital tool to help us reach voters in the most effective way. We are looking for volunteers to help enter data into 'Contact Creator' - the Labour database. If you are able to contribute a few hours during September and October, you can help us by entering the data from home on your own computer. We will provide you with all the information and guidance you require.
If you are able to help, please let us know by filling out the form below, or contact CLP Secretary Nick Agnew via [email protected]
If you are able to help, please let us know by filling out the form below, or contact CLP Secretary Nick Agnew via [email protected]
Social Media Admins
Social media is one of the most important ways we communicate with voters in North Devon. If you have experience with social media management and would like to help us get our message out accross Instagram, Twitter and Facebook, we'd love to hear from you.
Rural Affairs Officer
North Devon is a rural area and our relationship with farmers and the rural community is vital to understanding the needs of the constituency. Labour stands on the side of rural communities and it is vital that we are able to communicate this, as well as to make it clear that Labour is listening to rural concerns. It is also important that we take up the responsibility of being the voice of rural constituencies within the Labour Party. If you have experience, expertise or interests in rural affairs and would like to know more about what a role on the Executive Committee would entail, please fill out the form below or get in touch with Nick Agnew via [email protected]
Youth Officer
The role of Youth Officer in a local Labour Party is more important than it’s ever been. Their job is to welcome young members into the local Labour Party, help them feel engaged by putting on interesting events and socials, and turn them into active members who campaign for change in the community and to get Labour elected. Youth Officers are also responsible for making sure that the voices of young members are heard and respected within a local Labour Party. You can find out more about the role of Youth Officer at
If you would like to be considered please fill out the form below or contact Nick Agnew via [email protected]
If you would like to be considered please fill out the form below or contact Nick Agnew via [email protected]